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Chitu Okoli

BTM 395 Outline Summer 2013

A printable version of this course outline is available.

Classroom and times JMSB Building room MB 12.314 (Computer lab); 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Mondays and Wednesdays
Instructor Chitu Okoli
E-mail (#1 way to reach me). However, use Piazza as much as possible; e-mail me directly only for private matters
Phone (514) 848-2424 x2985
Office MB 12.339 (12th floor of the JMSB Building)
Office hours E-mail me with your phone number to fix an appointment
Tutor Rakshit Majithiya. Please use Piazza to ask the tutor any question.
Tutorial JMSB Building room MB 12.314 (Computer lab)—same as regular classroom; 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm Thursdays
Course description The objective of this course is to provide a solid foundation to the theory and practice of the technical aspects of website development. The course has three main aspects. First, you will learn the theoretical aspects of website development in general, covering topics such as programming languages, the Internet, the World Wide Web, Internet standards, and the Web programming model. Second, you will learn the basic elements of the standard and most common open-source website development technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Third, you will learn how to develop advanced, contemporary websites using the most popular content management system: WordPress.
Prerequisites BTM 380, or equivalent introductory programming course.
Learning outcomes
  1. Learn the theoretical aspects of website development in general.
  2. Learn the basic elements of the standard and most common open-source website development technologies.
  3. Learn how to develop advanced, contemporary websites.
  4. Be “able to meet business requirements by planning, designing, integrating into an existing landscape, implementing, and operating contemporary technologies in … a network and computing platform” (BTM F3.2.1).
  5. “Demonstrate understanding of the role, management and uses of information” (BTM F3.3.3).
  6. “Demonstrate understanding of and be able to evaluate the choices and activities in procurement and management of purchased IT products and services” (BTM C1.6).
Flipped classroom This course adopts a “flipped classroom” approach, which means that you will do most of the reading, exercises and studying outside of class. The learning components will be divided into modules which involve reading the textbook and specified web pages, watching videos, and doing exercises. You will do all of this outside of class. The instructor and tutor will support your learning outside of class through the weekly tutorial and the Piazza discussion forum.The classroom time will be used to the maximum to synthesize, review and strengthen the learning modules. Specifically, we will have reading quizzes, lectures about website development theory, review of preceding modules, and in-class exercises. It is critical that you do all assigned learning modules before class time, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the class and you will not learn as much as you should.
Course websites and e-mail You will use five websites for this course:

  1. The primary course website is located at
  2. We will use Piazza for most communications, including announcements and a discussion forum: Apps are available for Android and iOS.
  3. We will use Moodle for a few functions, primarily the gradebook and for submission of assignments. Access the BTM 395 Moodle site by logging into MyConcordia.
  4. We will use TopHat as a classroom response system (CRS, like clickers):
  5. You will register an Internet domain and establish your own website on it. You will use your website for homework assignments and the project.

You will be expected to check your e-mail at least once every day, since this is the primary means of communication for this class. I will send announcements through Piazza, so please make sure that your e-mail address registered with Piazza is one that you check every day. You are responsible to act on all communications sent to this e-mail address.

Textbooks (required)
  1. PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies by Steve Suehring and Janet Valade. 1st edition (2013) published by Wiley (For Dummies series). ISBN‑13: 978‑1118213704
  2. WordPress: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald. 1st edition (2012) published by O’Reilly Media. ISBN-13: 978-1449309848
Required materials You are required to establish your own website for this class. This involves two related but distinct items:

  1. You will register an Internet domain under your own name. I will verify the administrative details to assure that it is in your name. The domain can use any top level domain (TLD) of your choice, such as .ca, .com, .org, .info, etc.
  2. You will subscribe to a web hosting service for at least the two-month period of this course. Any package is permitted that includes at least the following specifications:
  • Not a free domain host (no such thing as a free lunch)
  • Linux-based hosting, not Windows
  • Web space: 1 GB
  • FTP: 1 account
  • Can register .ca domains
  • Subdomains: 5
  • PHP 5 support
  • MySQL databases: 2
  • Toll-free telephone support

One affordable, reliable service that meets these requirements is the one that I use myself, the 1&1 Starter Package (Linux, not Windows).

In addition, the following free software applications are required for this course:

WordPress exercises        5
Two homework assignments  10
Project                   15
Reading quizzes           10
In-class participation     5
Two tests                 28
Final exam                27
                         100 %
Map of assessments to learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

Exercises and assignments


Quizzes and participation

Tests and exam

1. Theoretical aspects of website development



2. Basic elements of website development technologies





3. Develop advanced, contemporary websites


4. BTM F3.2.1: business requirements


5. BTM F3.3.3: role of information



6. BTM C1.6: procurement choices



Grading policy Grades in the Department of Supply Chain and Business Technology Management are based on the official grading system described in the University Calendar as follows:“A” is for outstanding performance, far above the average result“B” is for very good performance, above the average result“C” is for satisfactory performance, the average result“D” is a marginal pass, below the average result“F” is a failing grade, indicating inadequate and unacceptable resultsThere is no official “mark-to-grade equivalence scale”, e.g., that 50 is a “pass”, or that 50-52 is a “D-”. Faculty members individually or collectively decide what constitutes an “A”,  “B”, “C”, etc.
Exercises and homework assignments
  • Core technologies exercises: Each module covering core technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP) will include exercises with answers provided. You will not submit these, and they will not be graded.
  • WordPress exercises: Each module covering WordPress will included graded exercises. These will count for a total of 5% of the course grade.
  • Homework assignments: There will be two submitted homework assignments that will consist of practical exercises on core Web technologies. Each assignment will be worth 5% of the course grade.

Late submissions: Graded exercises and assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class to be considered on time. Late submissions incur the following penalties: –10% if submitted more than 15 minutes after the start of the class; –20% if submitted after class on the same day due; and an additional –10% for each day late after that. I accept electronic submissions if I receive them before class starts; otherwise, they will be marked as late.

Project The purpose of the project is to give you the experience of developing an advanced, contemporary website using the most popular content management system: WordPress. The project must be done individually, in order to maximize your learning and application. The project is described in detail in a separate document.
Reading quizzes and in-class participation
  • Reading quizzes (10%): At the beginning of every class, there will be a few simple questions to make sure that you have completed the assigned module before class. The reading quizzes must be done individually, closed book. You will be graded based on each correct answer. I will only count reading quizzes after the last day to add courses. The lowest two reading quiz scores (including absences) will be automatically dropped.
  • In-class participation (5%): Throughout each class, I will ask questions to which you will respond with TopHat. These questions may be individual, done with partners, or with open textbook, unless I specify otherwise. For this component, you will be graded on your participation; that is, you will get full points as long as you answer each question, regardless of your response. I will only count participation after the last day to add courses. The lowest two participation days (including absences or technical problems) will be automatically dropped.
Tests and examinations There will be two tests and one final examination. The specific content, dates, times, and locations will be announced in class. Important Note: In accordance with the SCBTM Department policy, your average on all tests and exams together must be at least 50% to pass the course.
Academic honesty You are required to read the document describing the Academic Code of Conduct. Then I require you to sign and submit an Academic Honour Pledge. I will not return any graded work to you in this class until I have received your signed Honour Pledge.All graded work in this course must be done individually.Because of the nature of website development, you are expected and encouraged to refer to multiple outside resources, but all sources used must be properly cited. This is normal and professional. I provide detailed instructions for appropriate citation and use of outside sources for this course and for website development in general.

Any violation of the Code of Conduct will constitute academic dishonesty and will be handled through the appropriate university channels. If you have any question about what might be a violation of the Code, ask me directly and I will gladly clarify you. Thus, claiming to have misunderstood is not an acceptable excuse.

Make-up policy Only students who miss a test or exam for university-approved and verifiable reasons will be allowed to take a make-up test. Even then, except in the most extreme circumstances, no student may miss a scheduled test or exam without receiving permission before the test. Make-up tests might be significantly different in format from the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of my own convenience.
Classroom etiquette We want to maintain a classroom atmosphere where everyone respects each other and that is conducive for learning. To that effect, please take care of the following principles of classroom etiquette during class time:

  • Browsing websites: Please do not browse on any website that is not directly related to the class material (e.g. Facebook, e-mail, news, sports, etc.). Not only does this distract you so that you cannot learn, but it also distracts others who can see your screen.
  • Texting, e-mail, messaging, etc.: Please do not text, e-mail or message anyone unless it is directly related to the class.
  • Talking doing class: Please do not chat with seatmates about anything that is not directly related to class content. If you need to talk to a classmate about class content while the instructor or another student is speaking or during other class activities, then talk quietly and briefly so as not to distract anyone.
  • Cell phones: You are not required to turn off your cell phone, but you are responsible if it rings. On the first ring, if it is an emergency, then apologize to the class and walk out of the classroom to answer the call. If it is not an emergency, then apologize to the class and turn off the ringer for the rest of the class session.
  • Packing up early: It is rude to start packing your bags before class is over. Please wait until the instructor officially dismisses the class.
  • Leaving class early: It is rude to leave the classroom early without explanation. If you must leave the class early, then please notify the instructor at the beginning of class.
  1. If you miss a class period, it is your responsibility to remain informed of the material covered in that period and to catch up and stay up-to-date.
  2. Any changes to the tentative schedule will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to remain informed of such changes.



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