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Chitu Okoli

BTM 382 Outline Fall 2016


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Classroom and times JMSB Building room MB 5.245 (Computer lab)

  • Section AA: 5:45 to 8:15 pm Tuesdays
  • Section B: 10:15 to 1 pm Wednesdays
Instructor Dr. Chitu Okoli
E-mail (#1 way to reach me). However, please use Piazza as much as possible; e-mail me directly only for private matters
Phone (514) 848-2424 x2985
Office MB 12.339 (12th floor of the JMSB Building)
Office hours Tuesdays 1 to 3 pm
Tutor Ribal Atallah
Tutorials There will be optional tutorial sessions held throughout the semester where you can physically meet with the tutor to help you with modules, assignments and the project. The times and location will be determined later and announced in class.
Course description This course provides a comprehensive foundation for designing, building, and working with databases, enabling students to understand and use commercially available database products effectively. The course examines different models of representing data with emphasis on the relational model. Topics include data modeling, database design, queries, transaction management, implementation issues, and an overview of distributed database management systems, data warehouses, databases in electronic commerce, database administration, and knowledge management. Examples are drawn from various functional and operational areas including enterprise and supply chain operations, management, and planning.
Prerequisites COMM 226 or COMM 301
Learning outcomes
  1. Understand different data models for business applications.
  2. Design relational databases using entity-relationship diagrams.
  3. Normalize data models and express relations in first, second, third and fourth normal forms using functional dependencies.
  4. Manipulate a database using SQL syntax.
  5. Differentiate characteristics of operational databases from data warehouses.
  6. Consider security, integrity issues, and backup procedures when planning database administration.
  7. “Be able to explain the current and future issues in … infrastructure lifecycle (… databases)” (BTM F3.1.3).
  8. Be “able to meet business requirements by planning, designing, integrating into an existing landscape, implementing, and operating contemporary technologies in … a network and computing platform” (BTM F3.2.1).
  9. “Demonstrate understanding of the role, management and uses of information, including [BTM F3.3]:
    • The role of information and data to support operations, decision making, planning and risk management.
    • How to model, prepare, and structure data to support the creation and use of information knowledge.
    • Technologies for information management (eg. Reporting, analysis) ….”
Flipped classroom This course partially adopts a “flipped classroom” approach, which means that you will do most of the reading, exercises and studying outside of class. The learning components will be divided into modules which involve reading the textbook and other specified resources, and doing exercises. You will do all of this outside of class. The classroom time will be used to the maximum to synthesize, review and strengthen the learning modules. Specifically, we will have reading quizzes, lectures about database management theory, review of preceding modules, preview of upcoming modules, and in-class exercises. The instructor and tutor will support your learning outside of class through optional tutorial sessions and the Piazza discussion forum. It is critical that you do all assigned learning modules before class time, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the class and you will not learn as much as you should.
Course websites and e-mail You will use three websites for this course:

  1. The primary course website (no login required) is located at
  2. We will use Piazza for most communications, including announcements and a discussion forum: Apps are available for Android and iOS. There are some helpful guides to getting started with Piazza.
  3. We will use Moodle ( for a few functions, primarily the gradebook, submission of assignments, and Panopto class recordings. Access the BTM 382 Moodle site by logging into Moodle.

You will be expected to check your e-mail at least once every day, since this is the primary means of communication for this class. I will send announcements through Piazza, so please make sure that your e-mail address registered with Piazza is the one that you check every day. You are responsible to act on all communications sent to that e-mail address.

Textbook (required) Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management by Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris. 12th edition (2017) published by Cengage Learning. ISBN 13: 978-1-305-62748-2
Please note:

  • Although the 12th edition will be used for this class, you may also use the 11th or 10th edition. (These older editions may cost less, especially for used versions.) There are only a few pages with important differences; I will provide these pages to all students. However, I will only refer to page numbers for the 12th edition; anyone who uses the 11th or 10th edition will be responsible to verify the correct page numbers.
  • You may also use electronic versions of the textbook (12th, 11th or 10th edition should be fine).

Supplementary materials (online appendices, datasets, and answers to selected textbook problems) are available from Moodle.

Required materials
  • iClicker classroom response system:
    • You are required to use an iClicker for in-class participation. A clicker is a classroom response system that allows you to respond to questions the professor displays during class. You will be graded on your in-class clicker participation.
    • Any version of the physical iClicker is suitable for this class (iClicker, iClicker+ or iClicker2). You may also you the electronic version (this is called REEF Polling), which has various versions: Android, iOS or web.
    • To register your physical iClicker, go to MyConcordia | Student Services | I Clicker Registration and then follow the instructions there.
    • You must register your iClicker by the deadline specified on the course schedule or else you will face the following penalties:
      • No registration before iClicker registration deadline: 10% will be deducted from your final clicker grades
      • No registration before last day of class: You will get zero on all clicker grades
    • I strongly recommend that you write down your iClicker ID and keep it in a safe place in case anything happens to it.
  • Software: The following free software applications are required for the assignments and project, as well as for in-class exercises. They are installed in the lab computers, but you probably want to also install them on your personal computer.
Panopto class recordings All class sessions will be recorded using the Panopto system. Specifically, the instructor’s computer screen and the instructor’s voice will be recorded. After each class, you may review the session using the Panopto module in Moodle. This is an optional service to aid your learning; there is no course mark associated with it, so you are free to choose whether or not to use it. I have made a tutorial that demonstrates the basic functionality.
Homework 1 and 2 9 %
Project 25 %
Reading quizzes 4 %
In-class participation 2 %
Midterm exam 30 %
Final exam 30 %
100 %
Map of assessments to learning outcomes

Learning outcomes




Quizzes and participation


1. Understand different data models

2. Design databases using ERDs

3. Normalize data models  

4. Use SQL syntax  

5. Differentiate operational databases from data warehouses

6. Plan database administration

7. BTM F3.1.3: Explain issues in database lifecycle  

8. BTM F3.2.1: Design technologies in network and computing platform    

9. BTM F3.3: Understand role, management and uses of information  

Grading policy The following grading scale will be used for this course:

Grade Cutoff
A+ 90%
A 85%
A- 80%
B+ 77%
B 73%
B- 70%
C+ 67%
C 63%
C- 60%
D+ 57%
D 53%
D- 50%
FNS 0%
Homework assignments Two homework assignments are designed to give you extended time to work on the material learned in class. These assignments are to be conducted either individually or in pairs of two students maximum (I will explicitly specify in each case). Homework 1 is worth 4% and Homework 2 is worth 5% of the course grade.
Late submissions: Late submissions incur the following penalties: –20% if submitted over 15 minutes after the specified deadline up till the end of the first day that it is late; and an additional –10% for each day late after that.
Project The purpose of the project is to provide the opportunity for you to apply the knowledge learned in the class to a business database scenario. The project is to be done in groups of three to five people; I may adjust the group memberships to maintain optimal group numbers and sizes. The project is worth 25% of the course grade.

The project will be submitted in two stages. The ERD (5%) will be submitted, marked and corrected first, and then the SQL sections (20%) based on the corrected ERD will be submitted at the end of the semester.

Each individual must submit a confidential Peer Evaluation. Your individual grade for the group project will depend partially on your group grade, and also on how your peers evaluate you. So, be a team player!

Reading quizzes and in-class participation
  • Reading quizzes (4%): At the beginning of each week, there will be a few simple questions to make sure that you have completed the assigned reading before class. The reading quizzes must be done individually, closed book. You will be graded based on each correct answer. I will only count reading quizzes after the last day to add courses. The lowest two reading quiz scores (including absences or technical problems) will be automatically dropped.
  • In-class participation (2%): During most class sessions, I will ask questions to which you will respond with your clicker. These questions may be individual, done with partners, or with open textbook, unless I specify otherwise. In addition to clicker responses, there might be other means of recording this component of participation. For this component, you will be graded on your participation; that is, you will get full points as long as you answer each question, regardless of your response. I will only count participation after the last day to add courses. The lowest two participation days (including absences or technical problems) will be automatically dropped.
Examinations There will be a midterm examination and a final examination, each worth 30% of the course grade. The specific content, dates, times, and locations will be announced in class. Important Note: In accordance with the SCBTM Department policy, your average on both exams together must be at least 50% to pass the course.
Academic honesty The Code of Conduct (Academic) at Concordia University states that “the integrity of University academic life and of the degrees, diplomas and certificates the University confers is dependent upon the honesty and soundness of the instructor-student learning relationship and, in particular, that of the evaluation process. As such, all students are expected to be honest in all of their academic endeavours and relationships with the University,” (Academic Code of Conduct, art. 1).
All students enrolled at Concordia are expected to familiarize themselves with the contents of this Code. You are strongly encouraged to read the pertinent section in the Concordia Undergraduate Calendar and visit the university’s Academic Integrity website.
For this class, I require you to sign and submit an Academic Honour Pledge; you will submit it using Moodle. You will not be permitted to submit any assignments in this class until I have received your signed Honour Pledge.
All graded work in this course must be done individually unless explicitly specified otherwise. If you consult any outside resources for any assignment or project, all sources used must be properly cited. I provide detailed instructions for appropriate citation and use of outside sources for this course and for computer development in general.
Any violation of the Code of Conduct will constitute academic dishonesty and will be handled through the appropriate university channels. If you have any question about what might be a violation of the Code, ask me directly and I will gladly clarify you. Thus, claiming to have misunderstood is not an acceptable excuse.
Make-up policy Only students who miss an exam for university-approved and verifiable reasons will be allowed to take a make-up exam. Even then, except in the most extreme circumstances, no student may miss a scheduled exam without receiving permission before the exam. Make-up exams might be significantly different in format from the regular exams, and will be administered at a time of my own convenience.
Classroom etiquette We want to maintain a classroom atmosphere that is conducive for learning where everyone respects each other. To that effect, please take care of the following principles of classroom etiquette during class time:

  • Browsing websites: Please do not browse on any website that is not directly related to the class material (e.g. Facebook, e-mail, news, sports, etc.). Not only does this distract you so that you cannot learn, but it also distracts others who can see your screen.
  • Texting, e-mail, messaging, etc.: Please do not text, e-mail or message anyone during the class.
  • Talking during class: Please do not chat with seatmates about anything that is not directly related to class content. If you need to talk to a classmate about class content while the instructor or another student is speaking or during other class activities, then talk quietly and briefly so as not to distract anyone.
  • Cell phones: You are not required to turn off your cell phone, but you are responsible if it rings. On the first ring, if it is an emergency, then apologize to the class and walk out of the classroom to answer the call. If it is not an emergency, then apologize to the class and turn of the ringer.
  • Packing up early: It is very distracting to start packing your bags before class is over, since that is typically when some important announcements are made concerning what you need to do before the next class. Please wait until the instructor officially dismisses the class.
  1. If you miss a class period, it is your responsibility to remain informed of the material covered in that period and to catch up and stay up-to-date. All class sessions are recorded and available on Moodle.
  2. Any changes to the tentative schedule will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to remain informed of such changes.
Schedule The class schedule is described in a separate document.
Acknowledgements I thank Dr. Raul Valverde for his kind assistance and provision of source materials that I have adapted in the design and development of this course.