Reverting Joomla articles
I had a scare today. Running on Joomla 1.5.23 and logged in, I clicked the icon for adding a new article at the end of a Category List Layout listing. Pressing this "new article" icon does not show the new article creation page–rather it sends the user to edit the home page!
I was in a hurry and not being careful, so I deleted the information there and then entered information for the new article. Soon after I saved it, I realized that I had just replaced my home page with a new article!
After a few minutes of fruitlessly searching the web on how to undo overwriting a Joomla article (with no special extensions in place to this effect), I succeeded by this whacky workaround:
- I first opened the new article I had created into source mode, and copied all the HTML code into a safe place. (I could have also copied the title, but didn't need to, since it was easy to reproduce.)
- Fortunately, I had realized my error almost immediately, so I had all browser windows still open. I then returned to my home page version by using my browser's back buttons (in Firefox I jumped multiple history versions at a time) to return to the browser page where I had began editing the home page. In Firefox, this edit page still retained the original content of the edit page.
- I saved this previous browser page and then voila, got my home page back.
- I then used other means to recreate the new page I had wanted to create originally, by copying the HTML source I had copied out earlier back into a new page.