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Chitu Okoli


My creative writing and other literary interests

What’s a Dodecahedron?

Posted by on Aug 1, 2008 in Literature | Comments Off on What’s a Dodecahedron?

What’s a Dodecahedron?

Excerpt from Norton Juster’s The Phantom Toolbooth, pages 172-173: As they argued, a most peculiar little figure stepped nimbly from behind the sign and approached them, talking all the while. “Yes, indeed; indeed it does; certainly; my, yes; it does make a difference; undoubtedly.” He was constructed (for that’s really the only way to describe him) of a large assortment of lines and angles connected together into one solid many-sided shape—somewhat like a cube that’s had all its corners cut off and then had all...

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Photo Stories

Posted by on Jul 31, 2008 in Literature | Comments Off on Photo Stories

Pokévarmints (pdf) The pesky Pokémon infest and take over a Barbie dollhouse, driving out the Barbies who live there. A GI Joe exterminator tries to rid the house of the pocket monsters. I produced this photo story in the year 2000.

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