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Chitu Okoli

Posted on Aug 2, 2008 in Rivers of Living Water

Ps 45:3-4: Being Headed Up by Beholding the Meek One

That’s good to realize, but when it comes down to it, I’m still rather frustrated. As I was pray-reading verses from Psalm 45 this morning (from the HWMR message 1 for the full ministry of Christ), I realized that I was trying to behave like a headed-up Christian. I was responding to my knowledge of divine authority and trying to act accordingly, apart from God’s economy.

Well, praise the Lord, in Psalm 45, there is a beautiful picture of Christ!

Psa 45:3  Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O mighty One, In Your majesty and Your splendor.
Psa 45:4  And in Your splendor ride on victoriously Because of truth and meekness and righteousness; And let Your right hand teach You awesome deeds.

Christ goes forth in victory, because of truth and meekness and righteousness. Meekness stood out to me. He is victorious because of His meekness, because He submits to God’s arrangement, accepting less than what is His due, and not insisting on His rights, or on what He feels are His rights. I need to fix my eyes on such a fair and lovely Christ, on such a victorious, overcoming Christ. I cannot be such a person in myself, regardless what I know concerning divine authority. I need to behold this lovely One who alone is meek. I need to eat Him, and let Him live His meek life in me. Thus, I too will ride forth in His splendid victory.

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