An eternal redemption
Heb 9:24 For Christ did not aenter into a 1holy place made by hands, a 2bfigure of the ctrue, but into dheaven itself, to appear now before the face of God for us;
25 Nor in order that He might offer Himself often, just as the ahigh priest enters into the bHoly of Holies year by year by the blood of other creatures;
26 Since then He would have had to suffer often asince the foundation of the world. But now bonce at the 1cconsummation of the ages He has been dmanifested for the eputting away of sin through the fsacrifice of Himself.
But because Jesus is also God, with the essence of the divine Spirit in Him, He could offer Himself through the eternal Spirit, and hence His sacrifice has eternal efficacy–it pays for the sins of all men at all times (even before the time of His crucifixion) who believe in Him by faith and receive His payment for theirs sins that their sins might be forgiven. Hallelujah! I am so thankful that Jesus is both man and God! A real man paid for my sins, and the eternal God applies this redemption to me now and forever!