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Chitu Okoli

Posted on Aug 31, 2010 in Christian songs

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus

Tune: God eternal has a purpose (Hymns 1325, 2nd tune)

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Word of God from ageless past
God eternal and unchanging
One day into time was cast
Fullness of the triune Godhead
Tiny child he came to be
Son of God and seed of woman
This man’s Spirit lives in me

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Full of love and life and light
Hear his Father now acclaim him:
“My beloved, my delight!”
Seeing him you see the Father
God’s own image bodily
Now expressed in human virtues
This man’s Spirit lives in me

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Never on his flesh relying
Doing just his Father’s pleasure
Every moment soul denying
Unto death a slave self-emptied
Took the cross obediently
Lamb of God for full redemption
This man’s Spirit lives in me

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Living by his Father’s life
Dwelling in him, from him speaking
Words that make the dead alive
Life went down into death’s bosom
To display his victory
Then came forth as the Life-giving
This man’s Spirit lives in me

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Overcoming death and sin
Promenading raging billows
Worldly prince has naught in him
Now exalted to the highest
Name with all authority
Lord of all is God’s Anointed
This man’s Spirit lives in me

Oh, what kind of man is Jesus!
Firstborn Son in God’s great plan
Now begotten into many
To produce the one new man
This is all our Father’s purpose:
To present man glorious
In God’s image and dominion
This man’s Spirit lives in us

Oh, what kind of man is JESUS!

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